onsdag 12 september 2007


Mitt namn är Sebastian Andersson och jag är 18 år gammal. Jag bor i en stad som heter Eslöv som ligger i centrala Skåne. Jag går upp klockan 05.00 på morgonen för att jag ska hinna iväg till skolan som börjar 08,00. Jag bor i Eslöv men går i skolan i Helsingborg på Campeons frigymnasium. Jag har alltså hela 70 km att åka till skolan och det tar sammanlagt 1 timme ungefär.

When I'm not at school I spend time with my girlfriend. My girlfriend is also my classmate nad we´ve been a couple for almost 11 months. She's a wonderfull person and the "sunshine of my life". If I don't spend time with my girlfriend (unlikely) I play videogames, watch TV or drink coffee. I also have to help my father with the laundry, dishes and cleaning of the house. I see myself as a "lonewolf" - a person that enjoys beeing lonely sometimes. I don't like american musik that much, I prefer english music. English rock n' roll! Anyone that likes Iron Maiden? I sure do hope so because no-one here likes them.

Ha det bra!/ Sebastian

2 kommentarer:

unibet sa...

hmmm... it sounds like you have two opposing forces in your soul: being a "lone wolf" and being with the "sunshine of your life". do you ever feel conflicted?

Sebbeflebbe sa...

is that a trick question?